Sunday, December 14, 2008

Lets Change Ourselves

I have been observing the electronic as well as print media from last so many days, specially after the Mumbai mayhem. The TV news channels have been organizing varied talk shows in which the esteemed guests specially from the entertainment sector are, talking of impracticle solutions and think that they are in a better position and possess better qualities to run the Government.

One thing that i find common in all those people is that they seem to preach what others aught to do. I still doubt that they themselves know what they should do. My point of view was well endorsed by Kailash Kher in one of the program done by NDTV, in tribute of the martyrs. He very well said that, "Inplace of suggesting everybody about their work, we should understand our duty towards the society, and perform our work with utmost sincerity. If everybody understands this basic and simple philosophy, the country will prosper at much higher rate and the hindrances in its path of growth will be removed."

Now the basic question that comes to our minds is that how we can contribute in the cause of our country. I had certain ideas in my mind , which i wish to share with you.

1. First and foremost we all should stop criticising our politicians, bureaucracy, police system and the prevelant system of governance as most of us criticise only for the sake of criticising. The perfect example for this is the celibrity couple of Saif Ali Khan and Karina Kapoor. They had to say something on this tragedy so they came in front of media and reiterated the demand of withdrawing the security of our politicians, which was also one of the point taken from certain talk show. They themselves enjoy and demand security from these very politicians, when they have comparatively much smaller social animosity. The governance is not done in vacuum and require certain conditions, which we should readily accept.

2. Lets not be instinctive sentimental, and lets try to strengthen our emotions for rest of our lives. The candlelight vigils and the sloganeering would achieve nothing. I am not being cynical but a little bit pragmatic. Lets promise ourselves that we will remember the martyrs not just for few days , not just on the next 26/11, but we'll keep them in our hearts for the years to come and help in what ever small way we can for the aggrieved families. The enormity of the incident overwhelm us for some time but after that we leave the victim's family to suffer alone. The recent example being the families of the martyrs of the 13 December attack on the parliament.

3. A popular phrase among people these days is " nothing good can happen of this country". I request all of you to stop being so pessimistic and try making changes in your surroundings yourselves. Don't expect Govt to fix every problem. If you want to change this system, get into it and then try and change it rather than sitting outside and criticizing it. We talk about Govt's inefficiency in tackling the issues, how many times we falter in our simple and easy works.

4. We all wanted our response to the Mumbai attack. We demanded our Govt to be like USA in the retaliation to the rogue elements. I think that we have our own ways to respond to this troublesome situation and in the coming times world'll remember how India, the emerging superpower, behaved in the moments of crisis. However there are many things that we should learn from the USA. We should learn the 'go getter' spirit by which America remains the pioneer in almost every field. Let us try to put in our best in everything we do. Our programmer should make the best prgramme in the world, our scientists should carry out the best possible and path breaking research, let our morale be so high that even if i am a sweeper, my aim should be to clean the street so effectively that the people passing through that street should look for a while.

We can all make our little contributions in some or other significant ways. Let the change begin. Let Me be changed first....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very well written parveen. I agree with you that most page 3 people criticize just for the sake of it. I also agree with you that every citizen should do his duty towards the nation and other citizens with utmost sincerity. However, I differ on the issue of importance of symbolic gestures like candle marches etc. At times such gestures are necessary because the knowledge that the entire society/nation is with them gives a lot of hope and strength to the victims of such horrendous atrocities.Secondly, this show of solidarity among citizens puts a lot of pressure on the government to act sincerely against the perpetrators of such crimes.
We all can see that it is the public anger and open public censure which has forced the government to take strong action against the perpetrators of Mumbai carnage, and has also made opposition parties back the government fully as opposed to their usual'opposition' drama.
I agree with you that we must never forget the victims of Mumbai terror and never forgive those responsible for it.