Tuesday, December 30, 2008

An open letter to the Prime Minister...

Dear Mr Prime Minister,

Today I wish to represent to you a "common man" of India. Sir, I was very happy when this year started, with the economy reaching new heights everyday and my mood was elated with your prudence and leadership in making our country the next "Economic power" of the world. Something untoward and out of your control seems to have happened in the western countries that has landed you in the troubled water. This seems totally acceptable to me and I still stand behind you when you take some calculated measures to revive our dream.

The other thing that hurts me the most is the ease with which terrorists hit "likes of me", spreading throughout the length and breadth of the country. The terrorism has grown from being a limited company in two regions of Jammu and Kashmir and North-East India to a country wide problem. They are performing their part accurately till the last line of the script, then why you, despite being the Prime Minister of one of the few major powers of the world, are reluctant to even spell out a tough response. The infallible proofs of involvement of Pakistan in the recent terror strikes, alive terrorist ( a first of its kind), initial international support etc. , God could not have provided you with a better opportunity to take effective steps to defeat terrorism this time round, finally and squarely.

Why you failed to keep the nation above the politics, when the opposition would have heartily supported your aggressive posturing. There were many more ways other than a full-blown war. The public anger and anguish on the streets of the country was initially successful in some extent as in the wake of surmounting anger you adopted a pseudo-aggressive posture, which lasted as long as the public blood was boiling on the streets. The first political happening in the form of election again turned you to address to your vote bank constituency and you resorted to your old habits of "Process", "Due course of law", "International scenario"etc. The terrorists and Pakistan have learnt this long ago, and that's more than evident in the continuous attacks with increased intensity each time goes on to suggest that, only thing growing in India is "Patience".This happens because they very well know that you have "only words to give".

A very old saying goes like this, "GOD help those who help themselves", in corollary is the statement that, " World support the efforts of the country, who can stands for its own self". It's high time that your growth efforts on the economic front be supplemented by the increased efforts to stabilize our society and provide me, the "common man", the assurance that there is a concerned government, which will take care of my life, while I join the efforts of making India the next Superpower.

A fearful but an optimist citizen...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Lets Change Ourselves

I have been observing the electronic as well as print media from last so many days, specially after the Mumbai mayhem. The TV news channels have been organizing varied talk shows in which the esteemed guests specially from the entertainment sector are, talking of impracticle solutions and think that they are in a better position and possess better qualities to run the Government.

One thing that i find common in all those people is that they seem to preach what others aught to do. I still doubt that they themselves know what they should do. My point of view was well endorsed by Kailash Kher in one of the program done by NDTV, in tribute of the martyrs. He very well said that, "Inplace of suggesting everybody about their work, we should understand our duty towards the society, and perform our work with utmost sincerity. If everybody understands this basic and simple philosophy, the country will prosper at much higher rate and the hindrances in its path of growth will be removed."

Now the basic question that comes to our minds is that how we can contribute in the cause of our country. I had certain ideas in my mind , which i wish to share with you.

1. First and foremost we all should stop criticising our politicians, bureaucracy, police system and the prevelant system of governance as most of us criticise only for the sake of criticising. The perfect example for this is the celibrity couple of Saif Ali Khan and Karina Kapoor. They had to say something on this tragedy so they came in front of media and reiterated the demand of withdrawing the security of our politicians, which was also one of the point taken from certain talk show. They themselves enjoy and demand security from these very politicians, when they have comparatively much smaller social animosity. The governance is not done in vacuum and require certain conditions, which we should readily accept.

2. Lets not be instinctive sentimental, and lets try to strengthen our emotions for rest of our lives. The candlelight vigils and the sloganeering would achieve nothing. I am not being cynical but a little bit pragmatic. Lets promise ourselves that we will remember the martyrs not just for few days , not just on the next 26/11, but we'll keep them in our hearts for the years to come and help in what ever small way we can for the aggrieved families. The enormity of the incident overwhelm us for some time but after that we leave the victim's family to suffer alone. The recent example being the families of the martyrs of the 13 December attack on the parliament.

3. A popular phrase among people these days is " nothing good can happen of this country". I request all of you to stop being so pessimistic and try making changes in your surroundings yourselves. Don't expect Govt to fix every problem. If you want to change this system, get into it and then try and change it rather than sitting outside and criticizing it. We talk about Govt's inefficiency in tackling the issues, how many times we falter in our simple and easy works.

4. We all wanted our response to the Mumbai attack. We demanded our Govt to be like USA in the retaliation to the rogue elements. I think that we have our own ways to respond to this troublesome situation and in the coming times world'll remember how India, the emerging superpower, behaved in the moments of crisis. However there are many things that we should learn from the USA. We should learn the 'go getter' spirit by which America remains the pioneer in almost every field. Let us try to put in our best in everything we do. Our programmer should make the best prgramme in the world, our scientists should carry out the best possible and path breaking research, let our morale be so high that even if i am a sweeper, my aim should be to clean the street so effectively that the people passing through that street should look for a while.

We can all make our little contributions in some or other significant ways. Let the change begin. Let Me be changed first....

Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Smallest Change!

People are angry and are talking a lot. Rather they are preaching, and that too, to one and all. Politician should do this..., police should do this..., intelligence has failed and should be upgraded....etc. They are talking about big fundamental changes. This requires certain amount of preparation on the part of citizens as well.

The most beautiful thing about change is that it starts with very small steps and after gaining a considerable momentum only, it starts taking big leaps. What we, justifiably angry citizen of India, are forgetting is this basic premise. I know that among the people with high rage i might look like a feeble, weak person. But i want the people to be fully aware of the demands that the new system of response to this terrorist attack would come with.

I would like to suggest some changes that people should bring in themselves to help the system to be geared up to handle any eventuality as well as its general well being.

1. Now that the security apparatus will be strengthened, it'll demand people of greater patience, while they would be made to wait longer in the queues. So people should be more accomodative of the ensuing changes.

2. Some policeman's martyrdom should not be necessary to generate faith in the police system and respect towards the police personals. Their work is tedious and always attract wrath of people. So, lets start giving them their due respect.

3. Learn from the NSG commando's spirit of 'Doing our duty'. Pay your taxes in time and in accordance with the law, so that Government 'll have greater resources at its disposal to upgrade our security apparatus.

4. The recent election turn out has indicated that people of India are awakening and participating with unprecedented vigour in the democratic process of the country. We should pledge to carry on the momentum to its logical conclusion in the forthcoming parliamentary election and lets give ourselves an able and strong Government, which could stand in the face of rising terror activities and take India to its rightful place in world.

This is the least we can do to strengthen the hands of Government in our pursuit of a better and safer India.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Pragmatic Solutions

We have already visited the trauma associated with the recent Mumbai blasts, time and again, thanks to the over enthusiastic media. The pain is being relived through the numerous survivors tales played out again and again. Now the time has come to think about pragmatic solutions to the problem at hand.

As expected Pakistan has refused to hand over the terrorists, mentioned in the list provided by the Indian officials to the Pak high commissioner. This, following the rationalist argument was more on expected lines as no nation can hand over its nationals to any other country, easily. The stress being on the word EASILY. So according to me the options that opens before India includes:

1. Diplomatic efforts should be made to present the terrorism faced by India in a better way, to make the western countries believe that the attack on Mumbai was some kind of prelude to the bigger and more sinister attack in US, Izrael or any European country. As the US forces fear of the resurgence of Taliban along the western borders of Pakistan, it would not want to give any excuse to Pakistan to withdraw its forces from the western frontiers.

2. Pakistan is already going under big time financial trouble due to the world recession, and is the biggest gainer in the trade under the SAFTA regime. India has provided many concessions along with the "Most Favoured Nation" status to Pakistan. India should withdraw all the previleges provided under SAFTA in result damaging Pakistan, economicaly.

3. Although many quarters are asking India to move to UNSC for some kind of sanctions on Pakistan. But in my opinion, we have tried those UN options earlier too with disasterous results.

4. India is a growth story and Pakistan, like any other nation wants to share the growth prospects that come with the assocation with India. This fact was substanciated when recently Pakistan Prez. Zardari came for the HT Leadership Summit. The denial of this assocaition would result in doom for Pakistan.

5. There can also be formation of a "termination team" following the leads of Izrael and selectively eliminating all those responsible for this attack and the previous attacks in India.

6. Selective and precise air strikes can be conducted to neutralise the terrorist camps in POK and in interior Pakistan.

The political leadership of the country today, however doesn't seem to be interested in following any of the tough approaches. They always resume to the countless rhetorics like :
# ...condemn in strongest words......
# ...looking in the matter......
# ....have serious concerns.....etc.

Now is the time to act, if the present incumbent Government fails to act, then we, the citizens of India have to act in decisive manner in the coming Parliamentary elections to remove them so badly that no future Govt. can dare to undermine the public anger and emotions.

So, lets pledge that each one of us will vote this time and will chose and send responsible and brave people in the Parliament.