Tuesday, December 30, 2008

An open letter to the Prime Minister...

Dear Mr Prime Minister,

Today I wish to represent to you a "common man" of India. Sir, I was very happy when this year started, with the economy reaching new heights everyday and my mood was elated with your prudence and leadership in making our country the next "Economic power" of the world. Something untoward and out of your control seems to have happened in the western countries that has landed you in the troubled water. This seems totally acceptable to me and I still stand behind you when you take some calculated measures to revive our dream.

The other thing that hurts me the most is the ease with which terrorists hit "likes of me", spreading throughout the length and breadth of the country. The terrorism has grown from being a limited company in two regions of Jammu and Kashmir and North-East India to a country wide problem. They are performing their part accurately till the last line of the script, then why you, despite being the Prime Minister of one of the few major powers of the world, are reluctant to even spell out a tough response. The infallible proofs of involvement of Pakistan in the recent terror strikes, alive terrorist ( a first of its kind), initial international support etc. , God could not have provided you with a better opportunity to take effective steps to defeat terrorism this time round, finally and squarely.

Why you failed to keep the nation above the politics, when the opposition would have heartily supported your aggressive posturing. There were many more ways other than a full-blown war. The public anger and anguish on the streets of the country was initially successful in some extent as in the wake of surmounting anger you adopted a pseudo-aggressive posture, which lasted as long as the public blood was boiling on the streets. The first political happening in the form of election again turned you to address to your vote bank constituency and you resorted to your old habits of "Process", "Due course of law", "International scenario"etc. The terrorists and Pakistan have learnt this long ago, and that's more than evident in the continuous attacks with increased intensity each time goes on to suggest that, only thing growing in India is "Patience".This happens because they very well know that you have "only words to give".

A very old saying goes like this, "GOD help those who help themselves", in corollary is the statement that, " World support the efforts of the country, who can stands for its own self". It's high time that your growth efforts on the economic front be supplemented by the increased efforts to stabilize our society and provide me, the "common man", the assurance that there is a concerned government, which will take care of my life, while I join the efforts of making India the next Superpower.

A fearful but an optimist citizen...

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